The Truth about Caffeine in Teas | InNature Teas

The Truth about Caffeine in Teas

Feb 01, 2019Gaia Well

What you should know.

The simple answer is Yes, as all teas do come from the same species of plant -  camelia senisis. 

Now we need to also know that not all caffeine’s are the same; eg the ones I coffee and the ones in teas.

And more importantly, not all caffeine is hazardous to our health.  On the contrary. In small doses, it does assist to improve our metabolism, which allows us to eliminate toxins, fats and other unwanted properties from our system. Yes, it can also improve our energy levels, improve our mood, when one is feeling under the weather among other benefits.  We also must pay attention that caffeine in high doses, may affect negatively our health, sleep and create anxiety.

The plain reality that compared with coffee, tea has in general  70 -80 % less caffeine.  In short when you drink one cup of coffee, is equivalent to drinking 4- 5 cups of teas.

Fact Check  -  Teas x Coffee

 based on scientific research

  1. On average cup of tea, there are 30-40 mg of Caffeine x  120 -150 mg in coffee
  2. The caffeine in Teas is usually eliminated in a few hours x the Caffeine in coffee is eliminated in a few days
  3. The amino acid, L-Theanine is only found in Teas that assists to relax and calm down  x  there are none in Coffee
  4. Caffeine from Teas are slowly to be absorbed, so is gentler in the nervous system x Caffeine in coffee is fast absorbed, so may induce jitters and anxiety
  5. Different teas will have different caffeine levels x Coffee  beans usually have the same level of Caffeine

How to minimize the level of Caffeine in teas

  1. Do not brew with boiling water
  2. Brewing teas with 80-90 degrees water will diminish the release of caffeine
  3. Infuse the leaves for less than one minute

Teas Caffeine Levels 

High  -  Black and Green

Average - Oolong, Jasmine

Low, White  and  Puerh

  • Zero, some herbal teas, eg : Lotus, Tibet Teas

Please note that Teas and Herbs are different species of plants, therefore contain very different natural properties.

Teas are not recommended for :

-    Pregnant women

-    Children under 13 years old

-    Anyone with serious insomnia issues

-    People under medications


Teas Main Health Benefits

-    Teas do contain Polyphenol, that is scientifically known to prevent cancer

-    Boost your immune system

-    Improve, metabolism and cardiovascular system

-    Teas are a 2000 year tradition as a preventive way to improve our health

-    There are more than 600 + health properties in Teas, from vitamins, minerals among many others that will simply improve your well being.


If you find, any label that states -  no caffeine teas, you can be assured that this is a false statement and not worthy of your trust.  If the caffeine, is extracted, as in some coffee products by artificial means, the process and chemicals that are used are far more harmful than any caffeine that you may drink in Teas or Coffee. 


Teas do offer a plenitude of positive properties as well as an exquisite taste and aroma, for you to choose according to your personal taste,  and Lifestyle.  In my view,  it is an extremely convenient way to enjoy life while improving your health at home or in the office.

If you have any further questions, please do feel free to contact In Nature Teas, or me at;

Enjoy a great Taste, in good Health.

Warm Regards


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